La Neutralité dans l’enseignement

The Belgian Constitution guarantees neutrality in education. In the context of interconvictional tensions, the issue of neutrality seems to come more than ever on the front of the stage ... What is "neutral"? Meeting - debate with Bernadette Wiame, Faculty of Theology of the UCL, under the direction of which was published "Teacher and neutral - Obligations French Community of Belgium."

Infos pratiques

Since 1994, several decrees, orders or circular clarified the implications of this principle of neutrality for schools, teachers and students. In 2003, the French Community has required all teachers to be trained to neutrality. What are the reasons that led the legislature to impose this training? How does the system has been adapted to this new requirement? 10 years after its implementation, which make evaluation process? Circular 2008 reveals some contradictions of the system … Is it possible to deal with it? Bernadette Wiame will discuss these issues with us during a discussion meeting.

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