Human rights and religious minorities in Pakistan

According to Pakistani government sources, the vast majority of the population is Muslim. Only 1,5% of them are Christians and 1,5% are from other religious beliefs. However, the country's legislation bans insults directed only against Islam. The law can be used to discriminate non-muslims. Ayub Sajib, director of "Organization for development and peace" (Pakistan), will lead the debate.

Infos pratiques


The law states: « Whoever by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representation, or by inputation, innuendo, or insinuation, directly or indirectly defiles the sacred name of the Holy prophet Mohammed…shall be punished with death and shall be liable to a fine. » 

Under the present law, a Muslim may blaspheme Christianity with impunity. But a Christian doing the same against Islam can theoretically be executed.

Image : The St Patrick’s cathedral in Karachi


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